Layer settings for export
SMARTElectrode introduces two persistent layers “SE_EXPORT_DISPLAYED” and “SE_EXPORT_HIDDEN” to improve control of visible items during 3d export to STEP, IGES or other formats.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
For downstream processes it’s a common requirement to deliver the 3d data in a tidy state. To meet this requirement, two new layers are introduced with this release:
  • SE_EXPORT_HIDDEN — is automatically populated with items hidden in export. Items available on “SE_EXPORT_DISPLAYED” are skipped and stay visible. Features and geom-items hidden by default:
    • axis
    • planes
    • coordinate systems
    • curves
    • quilts
    • datum surfaces
    • cosmetics
    • points (if not registered as measuring point)
    • any of above when part of data sharing features (merge, cutout, ...)
    • any of above when part of import feature
  • SE_EXPORT_DISPLAYED — use this layer to control which items should be displayed in export. This can be done interactively or by option SE_EDM_DISPLAY_LAYERS.
SMARTElectrode blanks “SE_EXPORT_HIDDEN” and shows all other layers before a part is exported. These layers remain after export and additional items to be hidden or shown can be added to these layers by user. This gives users a better control of the result. Delete both layers to recreate the layers on export in default state.
Two new export options can be used for preset. Use option SE_EDM_DISPLAY_LAYERS to define a semicolon separated list of layer and/or feature names that have to be displayed. Use option SE_EDM_RESET_LAYERS or checkbox “Reset export layer” in Output UI to reset content of both layers on export.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Yes. Replaces optional usage of layer settings file (layer_settings.txt) in export configurations and interfaces.
Configuration options associated with this functionality: