To Set Start Position
It’s recommended to finish electrode design before setting a custom start position.
  1. Click Electrode  Start Position. The Start Position user interface opens.
  2. Saved reference or default coordinate system defined with option EDM_ORIGIN_NAME is displayed and used as origin.
  3. Activate Reference Csys to select origin for movement.
  4. Adjust offset and rotation values. The preview updates dynamically.
  5. Select OK to save start position and reference.
  1. Start position affects only active electrode position/component. Repeat process for subsequent electrodes if necessary.
  2. Custom start position overwrites calculated default values.
  3. Reference coordinate system must reside in electrode model.
  4. Interactive changes to selected reference coordinate system leads to a recalculation of position parameters on next regeneration.
  5. Custom start position is deleted if reference is invalid or removed. Default start position is used as fallback solution.