To Detail Electrode Design
When you use SMARTElectrode you need to cleanup and detail the electrode solid before adding the base:
  • Click Modeling  Image Surface Replace to replace surface through surface. SMARTElectrode also creates various replace features to replace multiple selected surfaces with one target surface. Selection of an external target surface creates a copy-geom of the surface before the replace feature is created.
  • Click Modeling  Image Surface Thicken to thick selected surfaces.
  • Click Modeling  Image Surface Expand to expand selected surfaces.
  • Click Modeling  Image Surface Remove to remove selected surfaces. Starts interactive selection with available regions if nothing to remove.
  • Click Modeling  Image Trim at Datum to remove material on one side of a datum.
  • Click Modeling  Image Pattern to pattern geometry. Takes existing base into account.
  • Click Modeling  Image Mirror to mirror geometry at datum.
  • Click Modeling  Image Extrude to create a Creo extrude feature.
  • Click Modeling  Image Revolve to create a Creo revolve feature.
  • Click Modeling  Sweep to create a Creo Sweep feature.
  • Click Modeling  Image Attach to fill the gap between selected surfaces and datum FREE_FACE with solid geometry. Auto-attach expands the solid by option value FINISH_DEFAULT_OFFSET and fills the remaining gap with a straight solid.
  • Click Modeling  Image Attach Straight to fill the gap between selected surfaces and datum FREE_FACE with a straight solid geometry.
  • Click Modeling  Image Attach Along expands the solid to FREE_FACE along original surface definitions.
  • Click Modeling  Image Attach with Support to auto-attach the solid to datum FREE_FACE and add supporting geometry.
  • Click Modeling  Image Add Support add supporting geometry for selected surfaces or the whole contour.
  • Click Modeling  Image Surface Split to separate not contiguous regions of a surface from each other. Separated regions get new geom-ids. Unlike the Creo feature the implementation in SMARTElectrode also works on selected features, giving the possibility to divide all surface regions of a cutout.
  • Click Modeling  Image Add Block to create a rectangular shaped solid enclosing selected surfaces. The solid is created as independent geometry.
  • Click Modeling  Image Cut Block to create a rectangular shaped cut enclosing selected surfaces. The cut is created as independent geometry.
  • Click Modeling  Image Expand Tangent to expand selected geometry with tangential boundary.
  • Click Modeling  Image Expand Conic to extrude selected geometry with draft angle.
  • Click Modeling  Image UDF to create user-defined feature from library
Detailing functions can be activated with empty selection buffer or pre-selected surfaces. SMARTElectrode automatically starts interactive selection with available frame selection.