To Set Properties
  1. Click Project  Image Properties.
  2. Select object to edit and confirm selection. The Properties dialog box opens.
  3. Columns in Properties UI:
    1. Status
      1. Image Property locked by system. This parameters can’t be edited.
      2. Image Locked property. This parameter can be unlocked and edited.
      3. Image Unlocked property. This parameter is already unlocked and can be edited or reset to default value.
    2. Property — Name of the parameter.
    3. Value — Value of the parameter.
    4. Internal Value — Default value of the parameter.
  4. Double-click Value to edit property. If the warning ‘Parameter is locked — unlock?’ appears the unlock action can be confirmed by MMB to start editing directly.
  5. Edit Property Value.
  6. Click OK to close dialog box.
SMARTElectrode can manage parameters for assemblies, workpieces and electrodes.