To Check Electrodes
  1. Click Electrode  Image Check. The Check dialog box opens.
  2. Click Select Electrodes to select electrodes for evaluation. All electrode components will be used if nothing selected.
  3. Select Options to define checks to perform.
    • Activate Interference to check for interferences.
    • Activate Assign Colors to map a custom color format on electrodes.
    • Activate Touching Faces to get touching surfaces.
    • Activate Projected Contact Area to calculate effective burn-area.
    • Activate Calculate Overburn to use effective burn-area and assigned materials for calculation of overburn values based on technology table.
  4. Click Start Calculation to run analysis.
  5. Select any row in results table to highlight component or touching surfaces. Calculated overburns will be shown in tooltip if mouse cursor moves over information icon.
  6. Click OK.
Activated options will be saved to assembly and automatically activated when dialog box opens next time.