About Placeholders in Export Templates
Definition of Placeholders
Placeholders must be enclosed in delimiter defined with option SE_EXPORT_IDENTIFIER. Placeholders can be formed from parameter names or parameter defaults.
Parameter Default: #partname#
Parameter Name: #EDM_NAME#
Parameter Default: #x_pos:STARTPOS#
Parameter Name: #SX#
Any combination of texts, placeholders and keywords is allowed as long as enclosing delimiters are present.
Template Line Description
ELECTRODE_START Control Structure — Begin
#id#;#partname#;#x_pos#;#y_pos#;#z_pos#;#z_angle# Placeholders and Delimiters
ELECTRODE_END Control Structure — End
Results in:
Template Line Description
1;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_01;-15.800;3.375;5.000;0.000; Output for 1st position of electrode 1
1;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_01;15.800;3.375;5.000;0.000; Output for 2nd position of electrode 1
1;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_01;-15.800;-3.375;5.000;180.000; Output for 3rd position of electrode 1
1;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_01;15.800;-3.375;5.000;180.000; Output for 4th position of electrode 1
2;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_02;0.000;-12.150;-5.570;0.000; Output for 1st position of electrode 2
2;SE_JS748100_AS_EDM_02;0.000;12.150;-5.570;0.000; Output for 2nd position of electrode 2
Replace Resulting Value
Some controls enforce numerical values instead of descriptive names as input to the programming system. In these cases the parameter value which appears in final output must be replaced with a different text.
This can be achieved by adding a simple text file named like parameter default or parameter name in the export configuration.
Example: Replace orbit selected in Base user interface
Listing of orbit.txt located in <configuration directory>/processor/Sodick LNPro/:

Export writes 1 as default. Selected orbit Ball will be replaced with 3 in export.
Validation of Values
You can add rules for evaluation of values to placeholders in the export template. A comparison with both fixed values or parameter values is accepted. The syntax is:
#<parameter>[<type or operator>;<reference parameter>; <action>]#
The evaluation rule is placed after the parameter in square brackets. The delimiter to enclose the complete placeholder including evaluation rule is defined in option SE_EXPORT_IDENTIFIER (default is #).
Multiple validation or format rules can be applied to a placeholder. In this case the validation rules will be processed from left to right.
Comparison operators
Allowed <operators> are:
  • > greater than
    Example: Compare to fixed value
    Burn gap for roughing will be written if parameter value is > 0! If not the whole line will be suppressed.
  • < less than
  • = equal
  • == equal
  • != not equal (for numbers)
    Example: Compare to parameter value
    X value of end position will be written if it's not equal to X value of start position. If both values are equal the X value and the tag won't be written.
  • !=* not equal (for strings)
  • int Convert a parameter value to a number. Normally used for values from sel_list.txt. (deprecated because it can be done by mapping lists)
    Example: Extract integer value from parameter
    Extract integer value from a user-defined selection from sel_list.txt.  For example "All sides [1]" shows "1" in export file.
  • 1 Check if the specified parameter in reference is set with 1.
  • 0 Check if the specified parameter in reference is set with 0.
Format specifiers
In addition to a simple comparison also format specifiers are available. The syntax is:
#<parameter>[format;<format specifier>; <action>]#
Example: Display electrode id with seven digit width
Math expressions
Any valid formula including existing parameters can be processed during export:
#<parameter>[math;<formula>; <action>]#
Example: Convert effective burnarea
Description of actions
<action> specifies what to do if the result of the comparison is false:
  • 0 no action
  • 1 / skip-value: don't write export value
  • 2 / skip-value-and-tag: suppress export value and tag
  • 3 / skip-line: suppress the whole line
  • 4 / default-value: export default value (specified in <reference value>)