To Define Color Format
The color format file contains a tab separated table with 4 columns. Each row defines a color which is assigned to a model, component or geometric item if the rule applies. The rules are processed sequentially. Therefore the color applied at last persists. Open file defined by option COLOR_FORMAT_FILE to change ruleset. Options UI needs to be opened to reread or set a different file.
Content of my_color_format.cfg
Table Format
Color by Key Color Transparency
Type of rule What to color RGB color code (Optional) Transparency
3rd Column — Color
RGB stands for three primary colors red, green and blue. Each color is assigned a specific numerical value between 0 and 255. The three numbers then indicate the mixing ratio of red, green and blue to produce a specific color. The components are separated by commas in the RGB model.Syntax:rrr,ggg,bbb
RGB Color Color
255,000,000 (red)
000,255,000 (green)
000,000,255 (blue)
219,209,184 (sand, default color)
4th Column — Transparency
Defines the optional transparency between 0.0 to 1.0.
1st Column — Types
  1. EDM (color EDM by id)
  2. FEATURE (color by feature type)
  3. TYPE (color EDM component by a specific type)
  4. ANALYSIS (color analysis results)
  5. GEOMITEM (color by surface name)
  6. DISTANCE (color surfaces lying on named datum)
  7. SURFACE (color by surface type)
  8. ANGLE (color by surface angle)
2nd Column — Keys by Types and Examples
  1. EDMColor electrode by ID or position number. Examples:
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    EDM -1 ... ... Default color for electrode. Model will be reset to this color.
    EDM 2 ... ... Color for electrode 2.
    EDM 4.1 ... ... Component color for 1. position of electrode 4.
    EDM 4.x ... ... Component color for x. position of electrode 4.
  2. FEATUREColor features by name or SMARTElectrode feature type. SMARTElectrode saves a parameter SE_FEATURE_TYPE to specific features. List of available feature types:
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    FEATURE <feature name> ... ... Color by feature name.
    FEATURE SE_HOLDER_MODEL ... ... Holder feature in electrode.
    FEATURE SE_BASE ... ... Complete electrode base.
    FEATURE SE_SUPPORT ... ... Extrude feature supporting electrode contour.
    FEATURE SE_ATTACH ... ... Group that extends electrode contour to base.
    FEATURE SE_REGION ... ... Component color for x. position of electrode 4.
    FEATURE SE_COPY_BURNFACES ... ... Copied burnfaces inside group SE_REGION; also used for merge, mirror and split.
    FEATURE SE_SOLID_IMPORT ... ... Extrude feature inside group SE_REGION.
    FEATURE SE_CUTOUT ... ... Cutout feature that trims electrode solid at workpiece.
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    ANALYSIS COLOR_CMM_FACES ... ... Color surfaces with measuring points.
    ANALYSIS COLOR_EDM_TOUCHING_FACES ... ... Color all touching surfaces in electrode found by analysis.
    ANALYSIS COLOR_NOT_MACHINEABLE_FACES ... ... Color for surfaces that can't be milled; used in Preparation UI. Electrode color used if not set.
    ANALYSIS COLOR_TOUCHING_SURFACES ... ... Color for touching surface copy created in analysis model.
  4. GEOMITEMUse type “GEOMITEM” to color named surfaces.
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    GEOMITEM <surface name> ... ... Color by surface name.
    GEOMITEM BASE_TOP ... ... Color top surface of base.
    GEOMITEM BASE_BOTTOM ... ... Color bottom surface of base.
  5. DISTANCEUse type “DISTANCE” to color surfaces aligned with named datum.
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    DISTANCE <surface name> ... ... Color by surface name.
  6. SURFACEColor surface by type. Multiple types can be separated with , Available surface types:
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    SURFACE <surface type> ... ... Surface type identifier.
    SURFACE 34 ... ... Plane (PRO_SRF_PLANE)
    SURFACE 36 ... ... Cylinder (PRO_SRF_CYL)
    SURFACE 37 ... ... Cone (PRO_SRF_CONE)
    SURFACE 38 ... ... Torus / Round (PRO_SRF_TORUS)
    SURFACE 39 ... ... Patch at a corner where three fillets (each of a different radius) meet (PRO_SRF_COONS)
    SURFACE 40 ... ... Spline surface (PRO_SRF_SPL)
    SURFACE 41 ... ...
    Fillet surface is found where a round is placed on a curved edge(PRO_SRF_FIL)
    SURFACE 42 ... ... Ruled surface is the surface generated by interpolating linearly between corresponding points of two curve entities.(PRO_SRF_RUL)
    SURFACE 43 ... ...
    General surface of revolution is created by rotating a curve entity around an axis.
    SURFACE 44 ... ...
    Tabulated cylinder is calculated by projecting a curve linearly through space.
    SURFACE 45 ... ...
    NURBS (nonuniform rational B-spline) surface
    SURFACE 46 ... ... Foreign surface (PRO_SRF_FOREIGN)
    SURFACE 48 ... ... Cylindrical spline surface (PRO_SRF_CYL_SPL)
    SURFACE 49 ... ... Secondary spline surface (PRO_SRF_SPL2DER)
  7. ANGLEColor surface by angle measured against electrode Z+ direction.
    Color by Key Color Transparency Description
    ANGLE <angle / range> ... ... Color by surface angle.
    ANGLE 90 ... ... Surfaces exactly normal to Z+.
    ANGLE 45+10 ... ... Surfaces between 45° and 55°
    ANGLE 35+-10 ... ... Surfaces between 25° and 45°.