To Split Solid
  1. Click Get Data  Image Split.
  2. All electrode models will be displayed.
  3. Select electrode model to split.
  4. All other electrode models and workpieces will be hidden.
  5. Sketch mode starts to define region to copy into active electrode component.
  6. Confirm sketch after drawing at least one closed loop.
  7. Decide whether sketched region should be removed in parent electrode.
  8. Following steps will be performed automatically:
    • Parent electrode: all solid surfaces will be copied to maintain current geometry.
    • Parent electrode: a quilt will be created from sketch to get surface data to copy.
    • Parent electrode: solid surface copy and trim quilt will be merged.
    • Parent electrode: extruded cut to remove copied region [optional].
    • Resulting quilt will be copied to active electrode component.
    • Solid surface copies will be solidified.
  9. All other electrodes will be hidden again.
Several regions from same or different electrodes can be copied into active electrode component using split.