To Create Drawings
  1. Click Organization  Image Drawings. The Drawings dialog box opens.
  2. Select drawing templates to be used:
    • BOM — drawing showing all electrodes and BOM table.
    • Workpiece — drawing showing core models without electrodes.
    • Operation — drawing showing all electrodes associated with an operation.
    • Electrode Part — creates electrode part drawing. This drawing sheet can be used to dimension electrode blank.
    • Electrode Positions — creates assembly drawing sheet. This drawing sheet can be used to dimension electrode positions on core model.
  3. Choose which drawing sheets should be merged.
    • New drawing — drawing won’t be merged with another drawing. It remains as separate drawing.
    • Add to main drawing — drawing will be added to main drawing as new sheet.
    • Add to electrode drawing — only for Electrode Position sheet. New drawing will be added to electrode part drawing as new sheet.
    • Move views to electrode drawing — only for Electrode Position sheet. Drawing views will be added to electrode part drawing. Use this option to create a combined drawing with part and assembly views.
    • Add to manufacturing drawing — only for Electrode Position sheet. New drawing will be added to manufacturing drawing as new sheet. A manufacturing drawing may be included in templates for Creo NC.
  4. Review List of Drawings to be created.
  5. Click OK.