To Select Geometry
Select commands support the selection of geometry items of a specific type to simplify the electrode design. Use the commands as follows:
  • Click Select  Image Solid Faces to select solid faces. No datum surfaces allowed. Region selection available.
  • Click Select  Image Datum Faces to select datum surfaces. No solid faces allowed. Region selection available.
  • Click Select  Image Quilts to select quilts. Region selection available.
  • Click Select  Image Same to select surfaces of the same surface type and with the same area.
  • Click Select  Image Round to select primary round shape.
  • Click Select  Image Color to select connected set of surfaces with same color.
  • Click Select  Image Edges to select boundary edges of datum surfaces.
  • Click Select  Image Loops to select the complete boundary of datum quilts.
  • Click Select  Image All Tops to select all top surfaces not attached to a base.
  • Click Select  Image All Loops to select all boundaries of all datum quilts.