Click to open Parameter dialog box. Double-click a parameter default in last column to open Edit Parameter Default dialog box.
The left side shows the selected parameter default or value, optional references and a detailed description of the parameter.
A grouped list of available defaults is displayed on the right side. The filter can be used to limit the number of displayed
rules. The parameter owner decides which defaults are applicable.
Group Special
Applicable for all owners: PROJECT, ASSEMBLY, CORE, PART and COMPONENT.
- <fixed value>
Input any value that should be assigned to the parameter.
- &<from parameter>
To reuse any parameter add “&” to the parameter name and set this as default. SMARTElectrode tries to find the parameter inside
the main assembly, the electrode part and the electrode component.
- &inherit
Read the value from a parameter with the same name from parent. Assemblies inherit the value from selection list or original
ref-part. Cores inherit from original ref-part. Electrodes inherit from assembly.
- &locked
Make a parameter known to SMARTElectrode.
Group General
Applicable for PROJECT, ASSEMBLY, CORE and PART.
- &partname
Partname of the electrode.
- &material
Material that was selected in definition dialog box
- &assembly_name
Name of electrode assembly.
- &core_name
Extract name electrode is placed on.
- &core_material
Workpiece material.
- &core_length
Overall length of workpieces.
- &core_width
Overall width of workpieces.
- &core_height
Overall height of workpieces.
- &electrode_count
Number of unique electrode models in assembly.
- &position_count
Number of active electrode positions in assembly.
- ¤t_date
Current date. Date format is defined by option
- &initial_date
Date of creation. Date format is defined by option
- &user_name
User name of designer.
- &location
Shows the absolute path of the electrode.
- &projectdir
Shows the absolute path of the assembly.
- &projectid
Project name. Used to set a superior project name that differs from assembly name.
- &size
Size (max. bounding box) of the electrode.
- &x_size
X-dimension of the electrode.
- &y_size
Y-dimension of the electrode.
- &z_size
Z-dimension of the electrode. Reads electrode’s blank length defined by datum plane “LENGTH”.
- &z_size_solid
Shows the overall length of electrode geometry.
Group Electrode
Applicable for electrode PART.
- &id
Unique SMARTElectrode-id.
- &seq
Index of electrode position.
- &qty
Quantity of identical models in the assembly.
- &supplier
Supplier of electrode blank.
- &type
Type of electrode blank. Rectangular, cylindric, ...
- &instance
Selected size from list. This value is not changed even if blank dimensions are changed.
- &holdername
Name of the holder that is placed on an electrode.
- &blank_area
Cross section area of electrode blank.
- &operation_id
Id of operation.
- &operation_name
Name of operation subassembly.
- &qm_...
Parameters carrying additional information for quality measuring:
- &qm_tol_min
Allowed lower tolerance for quality measuring.
- &qm_tol_max
Allowed upper tolerance for quality measuring.
- &qm_stylus
Stylus name for measuring.
- &qm_tip
Tip name for measuring.
- &qm_prehit
Prehit distance during measuring.
- &qm_retract
Retract distance during measuring.
- &qm_preset_stylus
Stylus name for preset.
- &qm_preset_tip
Tip name for preset.
- &qm_preset_prehit
Prehit distance during preset.
- &qm_preset_retract
Retract distance during preset.
Group Technology
Applicable for PART and COMPONENT.
- &processor
Kind of erode-processor to be used for manufacturing, i.e. AGIE, FANUK.
- &orbit
Type of orbit, i.e. linear, rectangular...
- &overburn1
First overburn-value.
- &overburn2
Second overburn-value.
- &overburn3
Third overburn-value.
- &overburn4
Fourth overburn-value.
- &overburn1_qty
Number of steps/electrodes for roughing.
- &overburn2_qty
Number of steps/electrodes for semi-finishing.
- &overburn3_qty
Number of steps/electrodes for finishing.
- &overburn4_qty
Number of steps/electrodes for fine-finishing/polishing.
- &burnarea
Total area of all faces in the burning face quilt.
- &burnarea_xy
Effective burn-area. This is the projected area of the contact surfaces in z-direction.
- &surf_class
Quality standard (Ra, VDI, Rz, ...).
- &surf_quality
Surface quality.
- &priority
Priority of machining. Control specific selection list of values.
- &machining_dir
To output direction of machining. The vector from start position to end position are used for calculation. Current values
are: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z. The default is -Z. A 3d-Vector will be showed as combination of values. Example: -X-Z.
Group Measure
Applicable for COMPONENT. Measurements allow additional specification of destination (Reference) and origin (Measure By). Both references have to be named coordinate systems or system values. The syntax is &<default>:<(1)to reference>:<(2)from reference>. Electrode origin in end position and operation origin are used if no additional references are used: &<default>:ENDPOS:OP_ASM_REF_CSYS. The ‘from reference’ is used as projection reference.
System values for references
- ENDPOS — electrode origin in end position
- STARTPOS — electrode origin in start position
- SECUREPOS — electrode origin in secure position.
- OP_ASM_REF_CSYS — operation origin electrode belongs to.
Default rules for measurements
- &x_pos
X-position of the electrode calculated from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &y_pos
Y-position of the electrode calculated from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &z_pos
Z-position of the electrode calculated from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &x_angle
Rotation about x-axis
- &y_angle
Rotation about y-axis
- &z_angle
Rotation about z-axis
- &x_trajectory
To calculate incremental movement in X from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
&x_trajectory:ENDPOS:STARTPOS calculates the trajectory from start position to end position with orientation of operation origin.
- &y_trajectory
To calculate incremental movement in Y from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
- &z_trajectory
To calculate incremental movement in Y from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
- &a_trajectory
To calculate incremental rotation about X from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
- &b_trajectory
To calculate incremental rotation about Y from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
- &c_trajectory
To calculate incremental rotation about Z from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1). Operation origin is always used as projection reference.
- &x_dist
To calculate X distance from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &y_dist
To calculate Y distance from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &z_dist
To calculate Z distance from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).
- &xy_dist
To calculate distance from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1) in XY-plane of operation. This parameter can be used to output the length of the vector for lateral machining.
- &distance
To calculate complete distance from coordinate system (2) to coordinate system (1).