To Create a new Electrode Assembly
  1. Click Image Assembly. The Assembly Setup dialog box opens.
  2. Select Reference Models that should be added to the electrode assembly. If UI is opened from part mode the part will be selected automatically.
  3. Select the Creation Method to add reference models to project assembly.
    1. Image Use current assembly to create electrodes.
    2. Image Assemble original models in electrode assembly.
    3. Image Create reference model with copy geometry and assemble in electrode assembly.
    4. Image Create reference model with inheritance feature and assemble in electrode assembly.
    5. Image Create reference model with merge feature and assemble in electrode assembly.
  4. Select assembly Unit. Unit system of assembly will be assigned to electrodes.
  5. Select assembly Accuracy. To switch accuracy type is only recommended if core models have relative accuracy. Absolute accuracy is mandatory for cutout features and some surface modeling features.
  6. Enter Accuracy Value.
  7. Enter Assembly Name.
  8. Enter Assembly Prefix used for naming objects.
  9. Enter Assembly Postfix used for naming objects.
  10. Enter Startindex to set index of 1st electrode.
  11. Enter name for Reference model.
  12. Click OK.
Project assemblies can be created with reference models. Reference models are associative copies of the original models which are updated when they are regenerated and can be used to simplify the geometry without changing the original part.
It’s recommended to use reference models with inheritance feature.