Custom Selection Lists
Selection lists are used to provide a selection of fixed values for parameters. All selection lists are defined in configuraton\sel_list.txt.
Rules of Application
  • Definition is introduced with #.
  • # is followed by parameter name or parameter default.
  • Subsequent lines are used as individual values.
  • List ends with empty line or commented line !.
  • 1st value in list is used as default for parameter.
Prepared Lists for Technology Parameters
Some mandatory technology parameters that are displayed in the Base user interface are already prepared in configuration in installation state:
  • SURF_QUALTIY — final surface quality of machining.
  • PRIORITY — priority of machining (low wear, high removal, ...).
  • OVERBURN1 — gap/undersize for roughing.
  • OVERBURN2 — gap/undersize for semi-finishing.
  • OVERBURN3 — gap/undersize for finishing.
  • OVERBURN4 — gap/undersize for fine-finishing/polishing.
Lists may be edited or extended, but this may also enforce updates to processor files.
Normal wear
Low wear
High removal
Surface view
Very low wear
Above excerpt from sel_list.txt shows definition of lists for parameters &SURF_QUALITY and &PRIORITY. The default value for surface quality is “24”. The default value for priority is “Normal wear”.