Settings for Quality Measuring
<configuration directory>\my_cmm_format.cfg includes the settings for user interface Image CMM points and output of measuring points.
Description of File Content



ID	X[.2]	Y[.2]	Z[.2]	I[.2]	J[.2]	K[.2]

<ID>, X=<X>, Y=<Y>, Z=<Z>, I=<I>, J=<J>, K=<K>

  • CSYS — electrode coordinate system to use for point calculation and output. Uses coordinate system defined in option EDM_ORIGIN_NAME if not set.
    Calculate point offset in 3d (=YES) or 2d (=NO). 3d uses XYZ components of normal vector. 2d uses only XY components of normal vector.
  • PROBE_DIAMETER — diameter of probe which will be considered in calculation of point coordinates if set.
  • FORMAT — tabulator separated format of measuring point table in user interface. 1st column ID is mandatory. Set number of decimal places in brackets []. Supported column names:
  • EXPORT — Format for export of measuring points to file. Enclose defined variables in <...>. Measuring point data file is written to current directory into file named .\<electrode name>_QMM.txt.
Variables for user interface and export
Following variable names are available for definition table columns and export to file:
  • X, Y, Z — coordinates of original point on surface.
  • I, J, K — surface normal.
  • X1, Y1, Z1 — offset points burngap 1 roughing.
  • X2, Y2, Z2 — offset points burngap 2 semi-finishing.
  • X3, Y3, Z3 — offset points burngap 3 finishing.
  • X4, Y4, Z4 — offset points burngap 4 polishing/fine-finishing.