To Use Burnsheet
  1. Click Organization  Image Burnsheet. The Burnsheet dialog box opens.
  2. Columns in Burnsheet UI:
    • Project — List of all models in assembly. Several positions of same electrode model will be displayed in a group.
    • Visibility — Click in table cell to show/hide objects.
    • Dependency — Click in table cell to make cutouts and copy-geometries independent/dependent.
    • Status — Shows regeneration status of electrode model.
      • Image Regeneration status ok.
      • Image Electrode model needs to be checked or updated. This status will be showed if outline of copied burn-faces changed or the electrode base is not in center of electrode solid anymore.
    • Following columns show parameters as defined in configuration.
  3. Select table line and use right mouse button to:
    • To filter display and show only selected model.
    • To Edit Properties.
    • To Update Model.
  4. Click OK to close dialog box.
RMB  Update Model can be used to:
  • Update the outline of cutouts to meet size of copied burn-faces.
  • Center base group on electrode solid.
  • Update Base size if size of solid changed.