Format of the Electrode name. The symbol <pre> represents the prefix defined in the Assembly UI. <post> represents the Postfix, <xid> represents a counter. x: width of counter. id: automatically generated by SMARTElectrode. sid: use this format the get an alphabetical counter: A', 'B', 'C', ...'AB'
Default: <pre>_EDM_<2id>
Description Value
Option value ELECTRODE_NAME_FORMAT E_<pre>_<sid>
Current model name core_0815
Prefix <pre> set in Assembly UI core
Resulting electrode names E_CORE_A, E_CORE_B, ... E_CORE_AA, ...
Description Value
Option value ELECTRODE_NAME_FORMAT <pre>_EDM_<2id>
Current model name core_0815
Prefix <pre> set in Assembly UI 0815
Resulting electrode names 0815_EDM_01, 0815_EDM_02, ...